
Dr. Ervin Varga

Ervin was born in Kikinda, Serbia (at that time part of Yugoslavia). He has earned his B.Sc. from electrical engineering in 1994 at University of Novi Sad, Faculty of technical sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia. At the same university, he has received the title of M.Sc. from computer science in 1999 and Ph.D. from electrical engineering in 2007. His thesis was an application of computer science and software engineering in the domain of electrical power systems. 

Ervin is a Senior Member of IEEE, IEEE Software Engineering Certified Instructor, Owner/CEO of Expro I.T. Consulting, and Associate Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia. He has 30 years of professional experience in the software industry. In 2008 Ervin has decided to register his own consulting company to help clients achieve top results by following industry best practices. Working also in academia Ervin has all the required skills to train and mentor customers to attain necessary proficicency to continue evolving their solutions in self-sufficient manner. He has been regularly holding and publishing webinars and blogs for his clients. Ervin was also involved in creation of internal standards and conventions for customers regarding architecting systems around principal infrastructural components.

The Zen of Python in Action

My talk at PyCon Balkan 2018

Interview in Local Media

Interview in Serbian about various topics related to software engineering and career opportunities in the industry.

Published Books

Ervin has authored/co-authored 4 books with renowned publishers as listed below:

Selection of Published Academy Papers

Ervin has authored/co-authored numerous academy papers in journals and conferences. Here are some of the selected ones:

Personal Details

Ervin is a citizen of Serbia and Hungary. He fluently speaks Hungarian, Serbian, and English. Ervin is married and has two sons. 


Twitter: @evarga01
Mobile: +381-64-6819076